Sunday, February 26, 2006

The World (er, maybe just our neighbour?) Takes Notice

ABC News: Canada is emerging as an Olympic powerhouse

ABC News has an article they've borrowed from the Christian Science Monitor on their website about Canada's record setting performance at these (now closed) XX Olympic Winter Games.

When next we see the Olympic flame burning over the snow, it will be in Vancouver in 2010. Okay, let me rephrase that, there likely won't be snow in Vancouver during the Olympics but there definitely will be some in Whistler!

Oh how I prefer the Winter Olympics to their older sibling the Summer games!

The interesting thing about this outstanding medal count and unprecedented #3 finish in the standings is that for many Canadians it was a disappointing result.

Because of the Men's Hockey outcome. Sad as it is, I suspect that had we won half the medals but still taken the Men's Hockey gold, we'd be a nation in ecstasy again!

We are a weird bunch.

Bring on Vancouver 2010! I can't wait to see us at the top of the medal standings!

Vive le Canada!


Thursday, February 16, 2006

Attention! Get your hand in the cookie jar BEFORE that mean old Harper slams it shut!

See here for details.

It seems that former arch-Coservative/Reformer/Alliance guy, and former interim leader, John Reynolds has decided to get in before that whole "five-year cooling off period" sets in.

He will be working for Lang Michener's Vancouver office as a "Senior Strategic Advisor"... which is likely code for Lobbyist.

From their website, a brief synopsis of who they are and what they do:
With a broad base of expertise, we assist our clients in many areas:

  • representation at government tribunals
  • lobbying
  • Public and Private health care matters
  • cross-border issues
  • municipal law, including representation of municipal corporations in preparation of documentation and advice relating to subdivision agreements, site plan agreements and bylaws.
  • assessment law, including representing the Ontario Property Assessment Corporation (formerly the Ministry of Finance for the Province of Ontario) in respect of assessment appeals before the Assessment Review Board and the Ontario Municipal Board.
Does the Honourable Mr. Reynolds have a law degree? Has he been admitted to the bar in BC? If he won't be lawyering for them, then he must be lobbying.

Of course, he could just be there to help them with their marketing after all a campaign is a campaign right? Or maybe he'll be running their catering department.

The proof is in the pudding though... from the press release:

John's wealth of experience and connections (emphasis added) further adds to our ability to serve our clients.
Nice. This stinks!


P.S. Hat tip to the dan report for this one.