Monday, November 28, 2005

Stephen Harper - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Stephen Harper - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

The Wikipedia entry for Harper says the following...

"In Parliament, Harper became known as a staunch fiscal conservative and federalist but was moderate on social values issues; for instance, he was one of only two Reform MPs to vote in favour of the Canadian gun registry."

Not so sure about the "moderate on social values issues" entry, I haven't seen much evidence of that in the last little while.

But the main reason I bring this up is that he seems to have voted for the Gun Control Registry. I cannot find it in Hansard, but my capabilities in that regard are somewhat rudimentary, I am looking to find somewhere or perhaps someone who can confirm this fact. Is his name listed in Hansard as voting in favour of the legislation?

Kinda makes it tough to lambaste the Liberals on this if your leader supported it during his first go-around in Parliament huh?

Or does it?



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