Monday, May 08, 2006

Harper's Americanization of Canadian Politics is a Myth!....

Or is it?

Frank Luntz is a noted GOP pollster and language meister...

He brought the world conservative word gems like:

"Death Tax" instead of Estate Tax.

"Personal Retirement Accounts" instead of Private Accounts in the Social Security Debate.

"Values Voters" instead of Bigoted, anti-gay, Christo-fascists.

"Healthy Forests" in place of clear-cut logging.

And one of my faves...

"Clean Skies Initiative" is what you call deregulation, gutting the EPA, and allowing the fossil fuels industry to self-regulate.

If I were Harper, trying to gain the trust of the more liberal Ontario and Quebec in order to secure a majority in 2 years, I'd make sure I hang with the second-most evil Republican strategist on the continent... that's sure to go over well.



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