Tuesday, April 26, 2005

The GOP is now Team America WORD Police

America *#%&@! yeah!

In a move taken from Big Brother ala 1984, the GOP is now telling the press how to talk about their ideas and policies.

Most recently this manifested itself in the choice of wording when describing the possible change in 200+ year old Senate rules to end the judicial filibuster. Understand, that this is one tool left that prevents complete one-party rule in Washington.

SO in the early days of this discussion GOP Senators and hard-right supporters were more than happy to call this the "nuclear option" until their polling started to tell them that it was becoming an un-popular idea. So now... and this is where the page is ripped out of Big Brother's playbook... they are telling all GOP operatives to call it a "Constitutional Option". They have also somehow hoodwinked the media into believing that only Democrats have been calling it the "nuclear option". I heard this played out on an NPR segment by David Welna that can be found here. So much for NPR as an arm of the dreaded Liberal Media.

So what is the truth here? Who came up with this idea as a "nuclear option"? Must be someone really crafty.... Some sick liberal... probably Ted Kennedy... or Barbara Boxer... Right?


It was none other than that stalwart of the Radical Republican Right Wing... the man who said Strom Thurmond should have been President and then we wouldn't have all the problems we have now.... Yes! Disgraced former Senate Majority leader..... TRENT LOTT!!

Did you know he was part of the liberal media? I sure didn't....

Click here for the full story in the New Yorker, but here is the meat that supports my argument:

Changing the Senate’s rules on judicial filibustering was first addressed in 2003, during the successful Democratic filibuster against Miguel Estrada, whom Bush had nominated to the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. Ted Stevens, a Republican Senate veteran from Alaska, was complaining in the cloakroom that the Democratic tactic should simply be declared out of order, and, soon enough, a group of Republican aides began to talk about changing the rules. It was understood at once that such a change would be explosive; Senator Trent Lott, the former Majority Leader, came up with “nuclear option,” and the term stuck.

Say it ain't so!

The GOP is misleading us to further their agenda...

To refresh your memory about other times when the WORD police showed their true colors take a look at:

Estate Tax vs. Death Tax
Late-term abortion vs. Partial-birth abortion.
Private accounts vs. personal accounts.
Incredible trampling on our rights vs. Patriot Act.

And on and on.....

What's worse you might ask? Well, take a look at supposed Christian groups like Wing-nut James Dobson's Focus on the Family who are telling their e-subscribers and his radio listeners that Democrats came up with the term "nuclear option" outright, or at the least they are implying that. I guess POWER corrupts. Dobson wants to create a right-wing Christian state, and he's not above lying to his own people to see it come about.




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