Thursday, July 14, 2005

Memo to Ralph Klein: Don't project your intolerance on me....!

Scared Ralph
Originally uploaded by rwalker130.

The Globe and Mail: Alberta to recognize same-sex marriage

What an ass! My favourite passage is this one right at the beginning:

"Premier Ralph Klein announced Tuesday Alberta would reluctantly recognize same-sex marriage in light of the impending federal legislation, currently before the Senate.

“We will proceed to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, much to our chagrin, following proclamation of the federal Civil Marriage Act,” Mr. Klein said in a press conference in Calgary Tuesday. "
How about you admit it Ralph! It's much to your chagrin, because you are intolerant.

Good thing the people of Alberta weren't so intolerant of your alcohol problem, and your verbal abuse of the homeless... much to my chagrin....

I am also embarassed about this part of his remarks:

“We will develop legislative options to ensure the rights of religious officials and those Albertans, who hold social or cultural beliefs or values, whether religious or non-religious, will be free to express opposition to the traditional definition of marriage or a change to the traditional definition of marriage and will not be required to advocate, promote, or teach about marriage in a way that conflicts with their beliefs.”
Hey Ralph! Why don't you go ahead and give marriage commissioners the right to refuse a mixed culture/race marriage?!?! If it's against their beliefs and convictions, shouldn't they be allowed to refuse to marry Chaniqua and Tom?

This is why I am sometimes embarassed to be from Alberta, especially when our Premier suggests that everyone from Alberta shares his intolerance.


P.S. I also loved the photo, he seems so shocked.


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