Friday, December 02, 2005

What Bush wants....

Gift from Canada?

Harper is pro-America, NO WAY!

Being realistic, this is just an editorial from "America's Newspaper" and a guest column at that. But, if I were in the Conservative's brain-trust, I wouldn't be linking to it on our website (and they haven't so far), and I would not be talking about it at all.

If I were the Liberals, I would get it out there through back-channels.

There's also nothing really new in there, just confirms what most of us knew already.

It is interesting how this guy from the CATO Institute frames the debate as such a stark contrast, when in reality both the Liberals and the Conservatives are trying to stay close to the middle of the ideological spectrum.

My cynical liberal mind says the CATO institute does this because they wouldn't want to concede in any way that perhaps progressive economic and social policy can work.




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