Monday, January 23, 2006

Get out and VOTE, today!

For all of our loyal Canadian readers..., yes even you EX-NDIP you cute little Tory troll you, get out today and excercise your democratic right as a citizen of our great country.

Mark an x beside the candidate and/or party of your choice.

All of my prognositcating and pontificating aside, I don't care who you vote for, just get out there and do it!

OK, I do care who you vote for.... JUST VOTE!

Regular readers will know that I already voted by mail for Jennifer Pollack the Liberal candidate trying to unseat Rob Anders of the Reform/Alliance/Conservative Party in Calgary West. It's a long shot, but hey when even the Calgary Herald starts ragging on a Conservative candidate giving him a D- for his service to his constituents perhaps some of the sheeple will wake up and turf him.

We can only hope right!?


P.S. Maybe, just maybe I will post some live results. After all, I am blogging in the United States....


At 11:22 PM, Blogger A.L. said...

Too bad. Too bad.

Perhaps if we had two candidates with the name Rob? One Con and one Lib?



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