Friday, August 05, 2005

If there's smoke, is it because someone is smoking? Or is there really a fire?

The Globe and Mail: Former anchorman sees anti-Tory media bias

I hope Mr. Kent is willing to do an investigation of media outlets west of Ontario too.... Because for all the anti-Tory media bias in Toronto, there is also much anti-Liberal bias in Calgary and other western cities.

This kind of rhetoric from a newsman turned politician can have dangerous consequences... I think the Conservatives in Canada have caught on to the US Republican mantra of alleged "media bias". The standard GOP MO is "it doesn't matter if you have anything to back it up with, as long as you say it enough times, and get it repeated far and wide, it becomes truth...."

It will be interesting to see if any J-schools bite. If an un-biased, legitimate, academic study can take place then I would stand by the results, but I will believe it when I see it.

I've said it before (not in this forum) and I will say it again: Just because the media attacks or criticizes your position or your policies, does not necessarily mean "they" are for the other side. Furthermore, this call for "balance" is complete malarkey. Personally, I want fair, objective, and accurate media coverage... I for one, don't believe that balance serves any purpose other than a political one.

The "media" ought to have only one public duty, to help the citizenry understand the truth about an issue/policy/event.... That is it.

If a party puts together bad policy, then it should be called for what it is. The "media" should not be forced to be equally harsh in coverage of the other parties' platforms just to achieve "balance". Similarly, the "media" should not be timid when covering any events involving one party or another simply because "they" cannot "balance" the coverage with similar stories about the opposing party(s).

Balance is bunk! How about an oath to truth and integrity!?

That's all that should be necessary.



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