Friday, September 05, 2008

Palin's conduct certainly looks CORRUPT.

Palin came to the Alaska Governorship promising to end corruption and self-dealing and create a transparent government.

All of that "rhetoric" was thrown out as soon as she became McCain's nominee for the Vice-presidency.

The following are excerpts from the opinion page of her hometown paper.

Here are the best points:

The Legislature hasn't given its investigator the power to subpoena, or compel, testimony of witnesses. Subpoenas appeared unnecessary, since it appeared the governor and administration would be cooperating.

That's over. It's time for the subpoenas.

And this,

Instead of trying to delay the whole thing, Palin should take a cue from U.S. Sen. Ted Stevens, who asked that his corruption trial be moved up so it would be completed well ahead of the November general election. Voters deserve to know the outcome of Sen. Stevens trial and the investigation into Palin.

When this investigation into Troopergate started, Gov. Palin's response was refreshingly open. Since she became the Republican candidate for vice president, her approach has changed for the worse. America deserves the same openness and ethics from vice-presidential candidate Palin that she promised to Alaska voters in 2006.

She's more of the same... we saw this with George Bush and we don't want to see it again. Absolute BS!



At 9:29 PM, Blogger S.K. said...

First of all corruption generally has to do with money. This doesn't. Second of all, as Governor of Alaska part of her job description if making her cabinet, which is made up of these commissioners. It's her freeking cabinet and she offered to shuffle him. He refused. She fired about five of them first thing when she came to office. It is not only completely within her rights, it's part of her job description.

At 10:39 PM, Blogger A.L. said...

Listen conservative troll... defend her all you want, but you are wrong on all counts.

From the Center for Corruption Research: "Corruption is essentially termed as an "impairment of integrity, virtue or moral principle; depravity, decay, and/or an inducement to wrong by improper or unlawful means, a departure from the original or from what is pure or correct, and/or an agency or influence that corrupts."

Cabinets in the U.S. don't work like they do in Canada, you don't just "shuffle" someone to a new post when they don't fire your brother in law because of his messy divorce with your sister (woman scorned much?).

Abuse of power can constitute corruption, it does not have to be a money issue to be corruption. That would be graft.

Give your head a shake, if it really is as simple as you seem to think it is, ask yourself this: Why won't she just testify and put it behind her and John McSame?

It's pretty damn simple. She's corrupt, she lied, and voters deserve to know she's running on ethics and cleaning up Washington, yet she's ethically challenged.

Please, come back with facts.



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