Monday, January 09, 2006

Live Debate Blogging

Watching the live coverage sent to CSPAN down here in the US by CPAC.

8:03pm PM the PM starts out on the attack. I thought these were opening statements.

8:05pm Mr. Harper goes out 3/4 positive and 1/4 negative.

8:08pm Other two leaders.... look at me... look at me. I am playing in the game too.

8:14pm Martin handled the Canada Steamships Line questions well and while he spoke too quickly for most people to catch it, he asserts that "statements of fact" during debates may not in fact be... facts.

8:17pm Attacks on Harper by Duceppe on the leadership donations... no transparency... Layton jumps on the bandwagon.

8:19pm WOW! Constitutional/Charter amendment to remove Federal government's ability to use the Notwithstanding Clause for Charter rights. I am assuming Provinces will still have it?

8:29pm Electoral reform.... let's get on it!

8:30pm A walking Democratic Deffee-sit... Bwahahahahah.... Good one Gilles!

8:32pm Jack Layton... feign concern just long enough so as to make people think it's genuine, but not too long... gotta get the policy in.

8:34pm Slight slip up by Mr. Martin, almost had two "The fact is..." statements in a row... caught himself.

8:48pm PM just couldn't resist the values debate, and it looks like he did surprisingly well with it. My question is which one of these party leaders has been to a swingers club?

8:55pm Tax-cut battle... mine's bigger than yours!

9:02pm Just over half-way through this thing and we're talking about farmers.... They're all getting tired, they're speaking slower... even Martin. He's flapping slower too.

9:16pm Moderator goes back to Paul, but didn't really want to.

9:23pm I was struck by how everyone looks, the make-up room should all get high marks.

9:24pm "Here we are at the final section of the debate.... and I am going to lead off with the SSM issue, but... giving Harper a chance to sweat and reflect on the pounding of his heart in his ears... turn it on Duceppe... Harper relaxes... for now.

9:28pm Layton tries his own Hail-Mary.... Pitching to Quebec voters offering the winning conditions for Canada.

9:34pm Not sure Martin's attacks on Duceppe will play well. Others disagree with me though.

9:40pm Harper dodges the MAJORITY question, must have read Kinsella's blog. Says "we're not naive" twice.

9:43pm Layton answers the question and swipes at all three parties... I think he scores some points here.

9:46pm Layton brings up results, second time he's done this. I will say it again, I think he is finding some resonance here.

9:50pm Last question of the evening, corrruption.....

9:52pm Mr. Duceppe is having a tough time speaking... is he gonna keel over?

9:54pm Closing statements, starting with Paul Martin... better than his opening, trying to set out the "values" debate. Next is Harper... repeating all his policiettes, closes with his campaign slogans. Layton... there is a 3rd option! It is not a choice between corruption and conservatism... good one! Duceppe takes aim at both the Liberals and the Conservatives, pinning Options Canada on the Conservatives as well... He's worried about the CPC.

And now, we're done.



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