Tuesday, May 29, 2007

What does crumbling sound like?

globeandmail.com: Stelmach shrugs off poll

Apparently more and more Albertans think "Steady Eddie" is leading Alberta in the wrong direction.

Hmmm. What do you think?


Thursday, May 17, 2007

Crumbling of the AB PC Party?

I sure hope this Maclean's editorial has it right.

Too many people in Alberta go un-represented in the one-party state that is AB politics. The same Conservative voters who decried the sorry state of affairs of 13 years of one-party rule, stay silent when 35 years of one-party rule continues in the AB Legislature.

Here's to renewal!


Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Liberals cleared of wrong-doing in Income Trust "Scandal"... we all lose!

This is definitely not excusable.

But it seemed at the time, with all the rancor and noise made about the situation (right before the last federal election) that it was a HUGE windfall for someone.

Seems it really was much ado about nothing.

Ideally political parties of any stripe would avoid such grandstanding for political gain, but what fun would that be?

This really should be a wake-up call to short-sighted, pointy heads everywhere, in every party. Lay off the dramatic, vote-getting, fear-mongering. People get hurt in the process, reputations are marred - nay tarred, and cynicism of the public grows like a cancer.

Bad form all around. From the civil servant who made the money, to the Tories who made political hay out of nothing, setting the Liberals up as the straw-men.

But, as I said, its not like the Liberals, the NDP, and the Bloc haven't all done this once or twice. Though, for the good of the country it should stop.
