Monday, September 08, 2008

What must Dion do to win this election?

A simple question. But one that likely has a very complex answer.

What must Stephane Dion and the Liberal party do to emerge as the government at the end of the night on October 14th?

I hope this will generate some buzz, please post in the comments. I imagine many side issues/questions will stem from this and will be the subject of later posts.



At 3:05 PM, Blogger Libforlife said...

Dion must put the Green Shift behind other issues like child care and the economy to prevent him from looking like a one trick pony. However, when it comes to talking about the Green Shift he must emphasise income tax cuts. He must not take for granted that Canadians have read the plan, many are only getting their information from Cons attack ads. He must speak to the lowest common denominator when communicating, the way Harper does. This is not the same Canada of Pierson and Trudeau, this is the TV and internet generation who are force fed their information and have no idea what critical thinking is.
The unfortunate thing that Dion and the Liberals must do to defeat the Cons will be to go negative. They must attack Harper’s credibility and his honesty. Something that shouldn't be much of a challenge

At 3:48 PM, Blogger A Eliz. said...

He should talk about child poverty and early learning, wait times in Hospitals. the Kelowna Accord and keep The Green Shift to a minimum.... as well as Harper's lies.

At 10:50 PM, Blogger Frankly Canadian said...

If Stephane Dion Doesn't call Harper on his lies who will? The most important issues on Canadians minds are #1 The economy plain and simple. (Dion is laying out his plan to make the economy expand while looking after our global responsibilities) #2 Our environment ( Mr. Layton flew to the tar sands for day one, Harper will definitely try to avoid this topic) #3 Honesty and integrity (Harper has spent million and millions in advertising this one for the last month, however his track record sucks here, breaking a international "KYOTO" agreement, lying to all the income trust investors, making a mockery of our parliamentary system "book of how to disrupt senate committees", breaking own fixed election law to benefit his chances, breaking the law to spend what ever he deems as sufficient to win an election, the list goes on and on.
Dion needs to do what he has been doing, I just hope the media gives him some real coverage, on topics not b.s. crap, and I hope the Canadian people aren't as gullible as Harper thinks they are!


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